
The new generation of specimen radiography system

Improve your workflow with enhanced features

Biopsy Suite

Characterization of Microcalcifications

Pathology LAB

Anatomo-pathologist guidance

Surgical Suite

Precise control of tumor margins

Based on Innovative Phase Contrast Imaging

The high diagnostic performance that BrightX brings to Radiologists, Anapathologists, and Surgeons will help to better identify and diagnose suspicious microcalcifications in macrobiopsies or to provide better control of surgical margins during lumpectomy procedures.

Phase Imaging


Phase Imaging

Commercial Equipment

Exploration of individuel microcalcification

The Technique paves the way for a New Semiology to characterize Microcalcifications

The launch of BRIGHTX is planned for 2027. Would you like to be kept informed about the development and launch of the product? Enter your email address to receive the information!

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